Good morning! And a lovely morning it feels, cool and fresh, the plants all standing to attention after the nights rain. Breathe in the clean air...aaah!
I'v not been creative at all since the last blog, all work and no play and its not likely to change with night shifts starting tonight. However I'm smiling as it seems the Universe bestows me with "craft" in all aspects of my life...I'm moving from the very busy (very stressful) high risk Labour Suite to "Parentcraft". Ok, so I'm not taking actual arts and craft classes for parents, its more antenatal preparation for labour and when babe arrives...but I'm really looking forward to it and you never know..those crafty sessions for mums to be, where they are given a space to chat, create and share hopes and fears is just around the corner! :0)
I had the blissful fortune of spying a heart shaped cloud a few weeks ago, the photo above is taken from The Cloud appreciation Society's gallery...you should see the clouds they host! amazing! I've always been a cloud appreciator, but officially became one today! Check out the site www.cloudappreciationsociety.org.
Lastly i just want to pay a little tribute to my little laptop....it seems it had 149 viruses and wasn't very well at all! I know how bad i feel with 1 virus..so thankyou compooter for healing well and being back to good old working order...never realised how computer dependent I was till I didn't have access. (and thankyou compooter guy Nelson for fixing it!)
I had a beautiful heart cloud photo adorned to the top of this post...no idea where its gone...! Perhaps the wind blew and the sun came out!