Friday, 1 November 2013

Christmas Cards!

Hello lovelies! Can you believe it's November?

Hope you had a fun halloween...ours was suitably spent face deep in green jelly fishing for eyeballs and dooking for apples..oh and doing the Monster Mash of course!
Stu and I had a movie night watching World War Z...zombie apocalypse meets Brad Pitt and block buster..hmmmm interesting mix...though I'm such a light weight I did miss a lot of it hiding behind my hands.
Why do I put myself through it?!
Anyhoos just to change the subject completely, my christmas cards have returned from the printers and I can now show them to you! Insert little star jump *

"All is bright"

"Warmest wishes"

"Secret Santa"

"Winter Wonderland"

I'm really loving these little cards, my homage to to the festive season. I don't tend to dive right into the full Christmas shabang, but I do value the sentiment of love and togetherness this time of year brings, which hopefully is captured in these cards.
They are all available in my etsy shop if you are extremely organised!......
which I must add is where my christmas organisation stops.Damn!;)x