Tuesday 8 January 2013

Treasuring you - reflections and dreams

I've missed posting a couple of "treasuring you's", but the turn of a bright new year brings with it the perfect opportunity for reflecting and dreaming!

 Have you taken a moment or two to take in all that 2012 has brought? What you have learned and achieved? What has been dreamed into reality?.....and equally as important where you want the road ahead to take you in 2013?  :)
Susannah Conway has a perfect workbook, should you like a little prompting..click here!
(And remember my free feathery 'flights of fancy' printable is available here!)

For me, it's hard to put into words just how life changing 2012 has been, and how blessed and abundant my life feels as a result. Truly amazing..it blows my socks off just thinking about it!
My word for 2012 was "LIBERATION", and while I didn't pay too much attention to this once the intention was set...this year HAS been a real journey towards freedom. Sounds a tad cliched, I know...but I can explain it no other way!
The biggie and most obvious part being that I left my post as a midwife... and rather than simply changing "jobs" to that of being a self employed artist, I set the intention of  changing the way I lived my life. I wanted the WHOLE of it to be more authentic, creative and true... without getting bogged down by the should's, the "right ways", the limiting fears....
 Let me tell you , there were PLENTY of all the aforementioned gremlins to begin with! But with time , lots of quiet space delving inwards, and letting things naturally unfold, the gremlins quietened down and in replacement a trust began to grow.....a glimmer towards knowing that everything really IS good!  :) ......Liberation indeed!

Along side this, my girls have continued their blossoming, and I have had the true trump card of flexibility to nurture them AND me! Skye starts Primary school this summer and the feeling that they are only little for such a short precious time is paramount...I'm soaking in every moment.

My sweetest Stu also began his own business, following his heart and love of working with wood. Initially the gremlins surfaced loud and in full force on this one too...eek!both of us self employed in this current state of "economic crisis"!? ...but once more with quiet contemplation the space was created to trust and the limitations were released. Again it became clearer EVERYTHING is GOOOOOOD! :)  And it is! And for that I am deep. down. whole. heartedly. grateful.

The word that keeps presenting itself to me for 2013 is 'EXPANSION'.
Not in the sense of "worldwide business booming" expansion (though that wouldn't be entirely un-agreeable!Ha!) More in the sense of expanding further in all the areas I described before. A deepening of trust,  love, creativity, happiness. More time spent looking outwards, not just inwards....more adventures, more connections. Expanding, growing.


Yippee! Feeling on top of the world :)

So if you've made it this far I'd love to hear your word of the year.....and how 2012 treated you? HUGE hugs xx