Wednesday 15 August 2012

Jenny Bear....

I've been hopping on the bear band wagon, but really its because I do love these beautiful beings.

 The bond was well and truly sealed when I read a book over a decade ago , where astronomy was morphed with Native American Wisdom...instead of being an uptight control freak, perfectionista Virgo I was a nurturing, loving brown bear. Hear me roar.

This piece went through a few lives before it got here. I've been experimenting with hand painting/stamping my own fabric and incorporating it into my stitched pieces. However the colour choices didn't work,so the whole bear fabric got painted over! (and a few triangles felt rude not to join the triangle bandwagon too) I prefer minus the blue..but it needed enlarged to fit a 5" x 5" block. 

So there you have it...
Jenny Blair  Bear xx


  1. Oooh Jenny bear I love it, although they are ferocious animals there is something so lovely about them. Your bears are just gorgeous x

  2. wow your fabric creations are gorgeous, x

  3. Jenny Bear! I saw the Triangle bandwagaon arrive but did not see the Bear bandwagon come to town...

    PS you will be a roaring success ;)

  4. he's lovely dear Jenny bear! I love the combinations of stitches you use. I've yet to try handstitching on pieces Ive machine embriodered..I'm feeling mighty inspired to do it though!

  5. Your work is beautiful! Just happened to click on your comment on Megan Woodard Johnson's blog. Cheers.
