Saturday 3 March 2012

Book or journal?

It's a discussion going on over here...whether I make "books" or "journals"....    

Clearly my life must be good (or dull!) to have this as the current debate...

But...Do the pages have to be filled with images or a story before you'll call it a 'book'?... Or... is it simply the intention to fill the blank pages with your musings and meanderings, doodles and inspirations that makes it a journal?

I'd love to hear what your thoughts are...what makes a book a book..and a journal a journal??!!  :)


  1. I agree with Michele !!!!!!!

  2. Hi Jenny, for me a book is something that has someone elses story or instructions etc and a journal is something that you fill up yourself with your own words or pictures... and then it becomes a book... :) hugs

  3. ANYTHING would be great in this GORGEOUS cover...
    even a box of rocks (although i do love rocks!).
    looooooooooooove to you! xoxox

  4. I've never been very good with labels... I'd simply call your creations "gorgeous"!

    (Wish I could help out with this debate, but I'm still having a hard time with the whole art journal vs. sketchbook topic.)


  5. Waw your work is beautiful! really lovely xx

  6. How about 'booknal's'?

    I looked up book |boŏk|
    "a written or printed work consisting of pages glued or sewn together along one side and bound in covers"

    Does that make it a journal whilst it's blank and then a book once it's written in!

  7. Hmmmm... never really thought of the difference. A book is a book. It can be a journal or a sketchbook or a novel or a collection of poetry or, or, or... I think maybe you make both. They say not to judge a book by its cover, but I'm definitely prone to that offense. No matter what ends up filling your books, the outsides are delicious!!!

  8. I am new to your site and whatever your work is - it is beautiful! I am going to be back to rummage through your achieves soon!

  9. Journal/book...I think they're one in the same. A journal is like your life book. So, ya I think it's both. :)
    Love to you and your amazingly beautiful journal books my friend!
    ♥oregon jenny

  10. I'm supposed to keep a 'journal' to help with my creative writing group. I'm supposed to fill it with thoughts, ideas, images, anything that inspires me ( can't say I've got around to that yet). I have to agree with Jenny , a journal is your life book. When all is said and done its just semantics.
