Friday 30 September 2011

Painting, sketches and fair weather...

I've been enjoying a lot of painting and drawing this last week or two...its taking a bit longer than usual..flexing those rusty painting muscles...but the process feels like a nice change from sewing.
Poor Jeanie my wee machinie has been worked ragged time!
Today I took a bit of advice given by the very lovely Marcia Wieder about following my "ease"... I realise what a fair weather self improver I am because my ears really do only perk up if its something that sounds rather nice....any mention of "abstaining", meditation and list writing usually shuts them immediately. However saying yes only to things that feel good and are fun..hmmmm...I'm there with bells on :)
And so with this "ease" in mind I took myself off for a walk to my favourite spot under a Scots Pine tree which stands at the side of an ancient Standing Stone...(very blessed to have this on my doorstep!) The sun was splitting the sky beautiful and surprising for this time of I basked in the sun and made a new buddy...a little green grasshopper who was very persistent in visiting and saying hello!
And now comes the fairweather mystic...did you know that they symbolise messages of glad tiding! Apparently in Native American wisdom the seer of the grasshopper will be receiving profoundly joyful news!
That'll do me thankyou very much! ...I will follow my ease and not read any more google generated answers before I get told they symbolise something far less pleasant :)

Wishing you a weekend of ease :)xx

Ps. I've linked to the delectable Em who is hosting "Favourite things on a Friday"..because really what could be better than good times and grasshoppers !!

Friday 23 September 2011

Set a course and go....

Sometimes we just have to make a plan and go for it...even if it takes us through choppy seas and unchartered territories.....

My course is set...I'm facing the direction I want to's hoping the wind is at my back and helping me along :)
What unchartered territories do you dream of finding yourself in? xx

Saturday 17 September 2011

Beavers and zebras!

The beaver title is in reference to me..just call me Jenny "the beaver" Blair!...(or maybe not..sounds slightly x-rated now I say it out loud!)
My point is I have been busy the proverbial beaver. Its amazing what can be achieved in a couple of extra hours a day. (praise be to nursery!)

A rainbow of "subirdia" books for the fabby Starfish Studio.

A new book for my etsy shop, featuring my "waiting for lift off" print.
Flamboyant flamingo books for storing outrageous dreams and pink inclinations!
Another rainbow of dinky books for documenting your staple 3 good things a day in! (all for Starfish Studio too)

Phewee...and will you believe I've even managed to tackle the ironing pile BEFORE sunday evenings last minute effort! Let me stop and pat myself on the back!!

As for the zebra reference...I'm afraid no there's no hidden stripy friend at the end of this post just a sparkling discovery gained from a children's progamme no less.....
Did you know that a group of zebra's is called a "dazzle"?!
Well slap my fantastic is that?!....There may well have to be some dazzling zebras making an appearance here very soon! :)
Hope you all have a fantastic weekend x

Friday 9 September 2011

Oh my singing heart!

My heart is singing..oh yes it is!
I wonder if you remember the little JOY journal I made a while back...

It was for a lovely lady called Katie who lives all the way over yonder in Hong Kong. The journal had all the usual bits and bobs, various papers, recycled and new, including a road atlas of Britian.
Turned out with a wonderful twist of fate, that the random parts of the Road Atlas I had used as pages in the journal actually featured the little parts of the world where Katie's family live?!
I LOVE the incomprehensible mind boggle that such beautiful synchronicity presents :) And of course at that moment I knew the JOY journal had found its way home :)

That was a while ago now, and since then I have had fleeting thoughts of that wee journal, along with several others that have found their way "home".....wondering what treasures have made their way onto those pages... cue singing heart...

I got an email the other day from Katie sharing a "spot of JOY" as she called it! :D
57 gorgeous photos of the colourful, loved and adorned pages she had filled to overflowing....57 reasons that made my heart sing and filled me to overflowing !

Katie, so kindly was happy for me to share her wonderful pages...and there's a whole lot more over here!

So thankyou Katie for bringing me JOY, and THANKYOU for the reminder that journals ARE good for the soul and not just a frivolous way for me to make a living! :) x

Saturday 3 September 2011

September already?!

OK! Own up...who stole summer?
Hmmm...I do have to admit to blinking atleast once or chances are I may have just missed it....
Oh Scottish Summers!

Its been a nice week here, we've all settled into the changes of starting school and nursery and I've been taking full benefit of the kiddo-free couple of hours in the afternoon.
I've been finishing projects, the final handsewn touches to these phone pouches....
(started off making one for my friend's birthday but am never able to just make one! The rest are in my shoppety shop!)

I also had a custom order for a journal cover based on the fabric book I have made featuring the piece "Stop! and smell the flowers". I enjoyed trying out making something new. There was also the additional ask of a matching pouch where mercifully the zip behaved perfectly!

What with the book and phone pouch I made it's almost like I've got a little line of acessories going! :) Can you see it in the shops?! Oh yes oh yes!! imagination is going hay wire here :)
World domination mwahahaha!!

*THUD!* ok...I'm back now! :)xx